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1:37 AM 10-February-2025

Remember that time when we tried making a store but then shit went KABOOM because IRL is evil and sabotages everyone's privacy? So, avoiding all those security issues, I'd like to introduce a new forkheads store for the general public. Ladies and gentlemens, please welcome

Forkheads on XMRBazaar!

At the time of writing, I haven't put any listings on the store, but as the forkheads team finishes premium projects and hentai e-zines, I'll be putting 'em on sale at rates that makes the AAA games industry cry buckets of tears like a watefall!

Ain't life grand?


8:37 PM 13-January-2025

Holy lost-in-time jumps, Batman! This took way too long to do, and I somehow broke the CSS midway and didn't notice because I'm a dumbass. Also, this is the first year where I was able to add in donations proceeds to help offset the costs of running the site. It's been a long dream I had, since 2012 at least. To those who donated, thank you very much.

Also, I changed out the design of the geimu section to be a lot easier to browse, so that resulted in the previously-introduced page going 404. AN ERROR HAS OKUU'D!!1

Saa, hajimariou!


04:00 PM 29-December-2022

Aaaaaaand here we are, at the end of the year, just like that! And just like an unliving swarm, FH refuses to die. HEEELLLL YEAH.

Speaking of refusing to die, check out Sex Kitten 10 (itch.io link) (newgrounds link)! Taking some uncertain steps towards the future, the itch.io version's the very first time I'm releasing a sex kitten game as an excutable (it's actually a flash projector wrapped in huehuehue). Also, how'd I edit the icons and stuff? Resource Hacker yo.

BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE! I was so hyped up on this success that I started work on adding games to this very site. Of course, they didn't go as planned... turns out Ruffle's a lot more anal than I'm used to working with, and loading resources from the forkheads website is a no-no because CORS errors and shit. So I figured, fuckitall, why not provide archive.org links and direct downloads to the swfs instead? Damn shame I ran out of booze right in the middle of this or else I'd be getting this done right...

Ah well, go check out the first entry into the collection - HaZard and Co's Sex Kitten Sim Date, as it was meant to be played!


22:51 PM 04-September-2022

Planning ahead, I'm gonna add a mirror page for all my games, plus a backup of the unaltered versions of the ye olde FH flash games.

Also, I was drunk and decided to build a store for some reason. This didn't go too far, because of a bad case of keyboardface right when I had a good idea and now I can't read drunk me's notes at all.

I'll figure something out. Until then, I hope you had a great weekend!


6:21 PM 03-September-2022

Holy shit IRL has not been kind to me. Well, now that I've quit one of my three jobs, I should have more free time. Now to do random stuff with this here webpage for no reason!

Also, I finally took the leap and set up a monero thing. I should have done this in 2019 when this site was last updated hawhawhawhaw. Anyways, gonna be working on some more FH projects after some DINNER...



8:37 PM 12-Jan-2019

In case you haven't heard, geocities.jp will be shutting down in March 2019. A full decade after the end of yahoo's geocities (which as you know is the inspiration for neocities itself), the last remnants of yahoo's geocities name will be lost. If you have a favourite site or service there, you should backup everything right now.

Rip geocities.jp, you were awesome.